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Sat 16 May 1998
Apparently Frank Sinatra couldn’t cope with life sans Seinfeld. [link] shortcode error: can't find "We" enjoying a production of “The Guardsman”. Powerful sets; minimalist. The acting was good, but not up to what we’ve been led to expect.
After a wonderful meal of sushi hand-rolls, mostly hamachi-negi and unagi, we strolled by the Mission Street Police Department, where we found a live .22 caliber bullet. I gingerly picked it up and delivered it to the officer on duty, safely ensconced behind a heavy plate glass window. He gave us a right strange stare. We walked out and found another one and repeated the ritual. Never a dull moment in the Mission.
Tue 22 April 1998
For the last two weeks I’ve been a consultant Java Servlet Engineer at [link] shortcode error: can't find "Organic Online". Most of my work to date has been for the “Ringling Brothers” Barnum & Bailey Circus Online. I’m writing server-side Java to manage the date flowing through the site, using SQL and JDBC to read and write some of it into a Microsoft Access database.
Tue 8 April 1998
In the summer of 1996, while I was writing a book at The People’s Café in the Haight-Ashbury, I was interviewed by a pack of Japanese nationals for an article in ECIFFO magazine; ECIFFO is “office” spelled backwards.
The article was entitled [link] shortcode error: can't find "The Technomads Office" (although that’s not exactly how it came out in translation). It’s about how I used an Apple [link] shortcode error: can't find "PowerBook", a cellular telephone, two wireless modems, and a wired modem to do the business required of a consultant in those days when 99% of Americans didn’t even know what an URL was.
Being interviewed by five reporters was a fun cross-cultural experience, especially reading the “Japlish” that resulted. For example, note the repeated use of the word “ample”. I bet you can’t guess to what it refers. Read on!
Fri 4 April 1998
This has been a week of entertainment, both movies – “Odd Couple II” (Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau) and “My Giant” (Billy Crystal) – and theater – “Mary Stuart” at the American Conservatory Theater (ACT) in downtown San Francisco. Lost in Space is next.
Thu 2 April 1998
More hard-disk cleaning and painstaking excavation has resulted in the discovery of [link] shortcode error: can't find "team photos" from my time as the senior technical lead of the Charles Schwab & Company’s InfoNet intranet project. Memories. Consulting in [link] shortcode error: can't find "San Francisco" is a never-ending interesting experience. My [link] shortcode error: can't find "résumé" grows and grows.
Wed 1 April 1998 (April Fool’s Day)
When I think back to April Fool’s Day in years past, two japes come to mind: the [link] shortcode error: can't find "Philip Zimmermann Travel Agency". This year it was a much quieter celebration for me.
Tue 31 March 1998
It’s with a very heavy heart that I write [link] shortcode error: can't find "Ode to Copernicus and Ptolemy", about the passing of my cat Copernicus. He was born 14 June 1984, died 31 March 1998, a few months shy of his fifteenth birthday. With me for almost half of my years, almost all of my adult life. Acquired during [link] shortcode error: can't find "My Adventures in Boston", Cappy flew Flying Tigers airline to join me on the west coast. I miss him.
Fri 28 March 1998
I spent most of this week at Sun’s JavaOne trade show at the Moscone Convention Center in downtown [link] shortcode error: can't find "San Francisco".
Since August 1995 I’ve been contributing to my ISP’s newletter, [link] shortcode error: can't find "Sirius News" The latest installation – about the trials and tribulations at Apple Computer – just got posted to the net; it’s called [link] shortcode error: can't find "As The Apple Turns".
Sat 21 March 1998
Saw the movie “Dark City” yesterday. It’s a fun sci-fi flick, spiritually a mix of “Blade Runner” and “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka. Nice music, a likeable hero, and some worthy special effects that actually add to the plot.
Apologies for the delay in getting the Italy pictures up. There’s a lot of them, and life keeps getting in the way. But I’m doing about a page each day, so it shouldn’t be too long now. I’ve been spending a lot of time getting my Apple [link] shortcode error: can't find "Newton" MessagePad 2100 into shape now that Apple has killed the product line. I suspect I’ll be nursing my ‘pad for a long time as there’s nothing even remotely comprable on the market. Sigh.
Wed 25 February 1998
I’m still cleaning out things from my hard drive.
There was a folder of work photos, including the one at right, of me commuting on Southwest Air to and from Phoenix, Arizona.
A bunch of them from my time at [link] shortcode error: can't find "Charles Schwab & Company" were unearthed as well. Check out the panorama of the excellent view from our fifteenth floor office. Who knows what’ll turn up next?
Wed 18 February 1998
Planning and packing for our trip to Italy is done.
We celebrate by eating a delightful meal at Shalimar, a Indian/Pakistani dive a couple blocks from the theater district.
Then we see “The Golden Child” at the American Conservatory Theater (ACT). It was wonderful, and it’s heading to Broadway after its run here. ACT is where we’ve seen “A Streetcar Named Desire” (November), “A Christmas Carol” (December), and “Insurrection: Holding History” (January). Excellent productions all.
Sat 14 February 1998
Work proceeds. I’m going through “weblets” (collections of related web pages) that have long needed updating, like [link] shortcode error: can't find "Burning Man".
I’m also publishing weblets that have never seen the light of day, like a photo gallery from my 1996 trip to the [link] shortcode error: can't find "Renaissance Pleasure Faire" and a nod to the [link] shortcode error: can't find "Old Krakow" Restaurant and Art Café. The latter is the first in a series of notes about my favorite eateries.
I put out four panoramas of [link] shortcode error: can't find "San Francisco" that had been languishing on my hard drive.
Fri 13 February 1998
Under the surface this site is undergoing a fundamental transformation in how it’s organized and rendered. Visible are an updating of the contents and changes in the overall look and feel, including two new navigation aids. Most obvious, though, is the replacement of my overall Table of Contents with this “running update” page.
For the next few weeks I’ll be battling the stale and unrendered links. Thanks for bearing with me during this extremely frustrating process.