2005-07 Burning Man Black Rock Ranger Playa ROM

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2005-07 Burning Man Black Rock Ranger Playa ROM

Friday 8 Juy 2005

It's that time of the year: time to synchronize myself with the current state of things in the Black Rock Rangers, the non-confrontational mediating volunteer group at Burning Man. This is done at a Ranger Orientation Meeting, or ROM. These are held all over the country, from New York City to Seattle, with points in-between. There's one at the Burning Man organization headquarters in San Francisco, which I usually attend, but not this year!

A few weeks ago Ranger Lefty, my compatriot on matters rangering since 1998, sent an email asking whether I'd be up to joining him at the playa ROM, held at the desert site of the event.

After Lefty piled my gear into the truck, and the kids dove in to play hide-and-seek with him, we all pose. The kids weren't happy that we were leaving, but they understood that it was so that I could Ranger again this year.

family poses in truck

Gear stowed, kisses and hugs and whispers all done, I get this photo of my family waving as we drive eastward, towards the playa.

family waves good-bye

Here's Lefty making a left, in a no-left-turn intersection, in front of a very tolerant police officer. The truck, which has taken us to several Burning Man events over the years has the "check engine" light intermittently blinking. It needs to be looked at.

Lefty makes a left.

Now here's the smile of a guy who (1) avoided an expensive ticket and (2) was told by his mechanic that all was fine.

Lefty celebrates no ticket and no troubles

Traffic on the Bay Bridge is pretty light, once we make it around this over-filled truck with a badly tied load.

on the Bay Bridge

Lefty celebrates as we pass our first mental milestone, Sacramento.

passing Sacramento

The train trestle bridge near Auburn is another happy milestone.

train trestle bridge near Auburn

Just after the bridge Lefty tells me we're heading off the highway for a treat. He's taking me to Ikeda's; +1.530.885.4243. He's not kidding. We first head over to the grocery section; it's full of playa-rific snacks, a deli, honey, and best of all, freshly-baked pies!

Ikeda's, Auburn, CA

What goes better with a hot, hot day? A cold milkshake, of course! The other side of Ikeda's is a fast food burger kind of place. The shakes were good.

Ikeda's, Auburn, CA

We get back into the truck, milkshakes still in hand, and head over the high Sierra into Reno.

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