2000 London - Kensington Palace

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2000 London - Kensington Palace

The very end of April, 2002, continued

On a return trip to Knightsbridge, to Harrod's and the ever-delectible Mezzeh of Lebanon restaurant, we decided to visit Kensington Palace.

The private gardens are magnificent, imposing an intricate order onto nature (with the help of a great many staff). Just breathtaking. I've seen a lot of gardening in my travels, but this one made me stop and gaze for a while.

Isaac had never seen huge swans before, and he didn't know enough to realize they were birds. He kept following them, wondering why the dogs wouldn't take the scraps of dirt from his hand. (Besides being devoured by these beasts, Rose was worried he'd fall into these very mucky puddles. He didn't. We did explain that these weren't big dogs - like we see at home in the Castro - but birds. He was impressed.)

And then our time in London was over, and we were heading (by train, of course) to St. Ives, Cornwall.

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